The first thing you should know about cooking with beer is that it is in a whole different area than cooking with wines or spirits. Most modern beers, particularly lager beers, do not have a particularly strong or characteristic flavour. Add to this that the alcohol content of most beers is considerably lower than most […]
Few law enforcement agencies have as enviable a reputation as the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. The iconic red-coated Mountie on his black horse is one of the most recognized symbols in the world, virtually synonymous with Canada and the Maple Leaf. During the Yukon Gold Rush, the Mountie was popularized by American newspapers as always getting […]
Brownies, whether made from a box mix, or a complicated 15-step recipe, are one of America’s favorite desserts. Part of the reason for Brownies popularity on the dessert chart is the add ins, and add ons, that turn a simple chocolate square into a fabulous, explosion of tastes and textures, tailored to the individual’s favorite […]
Barbecued pork ribs are perfect for any summertime cookout. Many cooks shy away from serving pork due to a huge amount of misinformation regarding the preparation and safety of eating pork. There are many misunderstandings and distortions about how long to cook pork and what temperature is safest. Generally people tend to overcook pork because of […]